Tropical botanical paintings – a new work in oils.
Here is the first of a few new tropical botanical paintings which are the first in a series of works being painted for an upcoming exhibition to be held around March 2015 in the Professional Centre in Coffs Harbour. It’s related to the other three tropical botanical paintings which can be seen in the botanical paintings section of the website. These all have been inspired by my constant visits to Coffs Harbour’s Botanical Gardens, which has been a treasure trove for botanical works over the last decade. This one is called Tropical Portrait 2.
This painting is located in the botanical paintings section of the website. The details of this painting can be seen by hovering the mouse over the work as the slideshow proceeds. The use of strong reds and greens in the work adds drama as well as a tropical brightness to the scene. The succulent look of the plant is created by layering thin to thick layers of oil paint over a period of time. The hard lines and shapes of this painting contrast to some of the softer focus botanical works seen elsewhere in the same section. The highlights are strong with a minimum of shadows showing that in a tropical environment a strong light can dominate a scene without causing the colours of the scene to be washed out.
I hope to exhibit at least forty new works in March in the Professional centre. I also hope to have completed an album of music by this time to play during the exhibition. At this stage it looks like the music may be restricted to being predominantly piano music, although I anticipate some pieces will incorporate other instruments as well. I will attempt to create music which enhances the works on display.