I am currently putting up paintings in the Professional Centre located in the centre of Coffs Harbour. The paintings will be a mixture of just about everything I do, including botanical, marine, landscape, surreal and conceptual paintings. I have not yet fixed a date for the opening – however, it will be fairly soon (probably mid to late November). The works will be up indefinitely. Some of the works will be those below.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Small Landscape
Second Tropical Painting
Florence Biennale
I have been selected to exhibit in the 2013 Florence Biennale. I’m very excited.
The Biennale has a winner’s award called The Lorenzo de Magnifico award. Christo and David Hockney are two of the past winners.
There will be artists from 80 countries showing there and it runs from 30th Nov – 8 Dec.
I’ve never been to Europe and it would be a great reason to go.
More Proverbs
Here are two more proverbs from my book, soon to be released, ‘Proverbs for Today.’
The constellations and galaxies wink back at both man and ant.
We think we are important. We think only of ourselves. We are no greater than the ants. Humility puts our thinking in the right place.
Go to a place where God’s creation stretches as far as you can see. Ask God for something special of His choosing.
(Heb 2:6)
A label simplifies perception, but God knows us from the heart outwards.
The knowledge we have is so limited and simplistic. Our constant use of labels demonstrates this. We can never really know another person and we even do not know ourselves as well as God does.
Write a list of people and things you would like to know in more depth. Pray for insight, understanding and wisdom in the use of this new knowledge. Pray that your love for the people in this list grows to Heavenly proportions.
(Rom 5:5)
More Proverbs
Here are two more proverbs from my upcoming book ‘Proverbs for Today”.
Don’t get too caught up in reasoning.
Logic is a tool given to us to discover the truth about our world. Despite the fact that our God is a God of common sense, too much reliance on reasoning will fall short in understanding the Kingdom of God. To the unbeliever, God’s logic can be quite alien.
God’s logic is sometimes illogical to the world. Think of some things which unbelievers might find illogical about your faith. Ask God to explain His logic to you in a way which you can impart to those who as yet, don’t understand.
(Ecc 7:25 – In the context of vanity.)
Worry occurs in the darkness.
The worrier lives in a land of shadows. Yet shadows have no real substance. There will be time to grieve if something bad happens. There’s no point in grieving now when nothing has yet occurred. Instead of worrying, pray that the bad possibility never happens.
The mind that worries lives in darkness. Go to the lamp of God and He will lead you out of the dungeon.
(Psalm 138:8)
Here is a taste of some of the proverbs that’ll be in the book I hope to put on the site in the coming weeks. I also hope to put the book on Amazon.
It will be titled ‘Proverbs for Today’
Those who wear headphones all day miss half their surroundings.
Don’t walk around in a dream if you want to be the best you can be. Fantasy is a pleasant diversion for a time but a constantly distracted mind will miss half of the wonders God places before us each and every day. They will help us prepare for Heaven.
Fantasy is good for two things – recreation, and to help the creative devise their works. If you are creative you will know the trap of giving in to fantasy. Ask God to help you to balance your thoughts – to keep the creative fantasies in their right place.
(Titus 2:11-13)
Size is of no magnitude, height is of no measure, fame is of no import, depth of mind has no meaning; only rightness with God truly exists.
We have so many biases, prejudices, beliefs which clash with the truth. Fame, wealth, strength and intelligence are all gifts from God but they are not to be worshipped. Worship the one who bestows the gifts instead.
What are the worldly qualities you admire most? Does this effect your relationships with people in an ungodly way? Pray that God teach you to admire those things which are most important.
I’ll be posting a few more of these on occasion in the coming weeks.