Christian Paintings

Christian Paintings Gallery

Most of these paintings are for sale.

Feel free to ring me on H: (02) 5698 5284 or email me (go to contact page) for offers or questions.

Limited edition prints are available on request.

The Christian paintings in this gallery show different aspects of my faith. Therefore, they are varied in both style and approach. I believe that these Christian paintings are guided by the Holy Spirit in different ways. In some ways all of my paintings are ‘Christian’. The Holy Spirit is an integral part of my mind and soul. He aids in both the conceptual processes and material processes in my art making.

The works in this gallery vary. Some are botanical and landscape paintings which glorify God’s creation. Elsewhere, they explore concepts related to biblical themes and everyday Christianity. Still others are very abstract and deeply personal.

There is a depth to many Christian paintings which outsiders fail to see. For a believer, themes like light, love, faith, hope, truth and eternity contain both a deep simplicity and an endlessly branching scope of meaning. Subsequently, creativity can open up new ways of seeing the everyday. It offers new possibilities and novel solutions to spiritual difficulties and problems.

Coming Works

In the future I hope to produce more paintings on the theme of Heaven and Hell (or eternity). Those works already produced on this theme can be seen in the Master’s Works sections of this web site. I am currently not producing music so I can concentrate on my painting.

spirituality, pink paintings, abstract, abstract Christian paintings,

The Fabulous Doctrine $1300 Oil and Ink on Canvas 100 * 75 cm

Christianity focuses on people having a relationship with God. We are related to God through adoption. This adoption is achieved through Christ. This means we have all the benefits of being a child of the most powerful and loving being in the universe. It is His light shining within us that radiates through to the world and helps make the world a better place.

© 2012 Leonard Aitken. All Rights Reserved